I have all the data I need in my WatchKit Extension (passed from the iOS app).
I used the data in the WatchKit InterfaceController
to f
// Get the complication data from the extension delegate.
let myDelegate = WKExtension.sharedExtension().delegate as! ExtensionDelegate
var data : Dictionary = myDelegate.myComplicationData[ComplicationCurrentEntry]!
Above from Apple's Doc is just an example on storing the data you need for your complication in your extension delegate seeing as how you can access it easily as a singleton. The reference to "myComplicationData" is an example of a Dictionary and is not a parameter in the ExtensionDelegate by default.
Either set up your own class as a singleton which holds data for your watch like so:
// Access by calling:
// Model.sharedModel.modelVal1
class Model {
static let sharedModel = Model()
var modelVal1: Float!
var modelVal2: String!
Or use the extension delegate as your singleton and add your properties to its class like below. This will allow you to access whatever variables you create in your ExtensionDelegate.
// ExtensionDelegate.swift
class ExtensionDelegate: NSObject, WKExtensionDelegate {
var dataVar1: Float!
var dataVar2: String!
var myDictionary: [String: String]!
// ComplicationController.swift
import WatchKit
class ComplicationController: NSObject, CLKComplicationDataSource {
func someMethod() {
let myDelegate = WKExtension.sharedExtension().delegate as! ExtensionDelegate
// Here is an example of accessing the Float variable
let accessVar = myDelegate.dataVar1
let myDict = myDelegate.myDictionary
Using either way will help keep your data in one spot so you can always access it from any class in your watch extension.