I just deployed application to OpenShift, and it worked fine, until I ment to push changes. Then it started to warn me about disk quota exceeded, and I\'m not able to do any
Something that also helped me was to disable journaling
Laying out complete steps
SSH into your OpenShift
rhc ssh $@ -a $app
In the MongoDB configuration
vim ~/mongodb/conf/mongodb.conf
add or set
nojournal = true
Note: ~
automatically resolves to /var/lib/openshift/
Delete previous journal data
rm ~/mongodb/data/journal/*
Then exit from SSH, and
restart MongoDB
rhc cartridge-restart mongodb-2.4 -a $app
This of course, comes at the cost of not journaling, which is helpful for recovering the data in case of corruption or unclean shutdown. But if you're just testing things out and running out of space then disabling journaling can be very helpful as it takes a lot of space.