I log quite a bit of stuff, and have noticed that Eclipse Console makes Java stacktraces clickable. The exception is highlighted (goes to the \"Create Breakpoint\" dialog b
This snippet may help. It can be placed anywhere in your code and will print a "clickable" line on the eclipse console:
StackTraceElement s = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1];
System.out.printf("%s.%s(%s:%s)%n", s.getClassName(), s.getMethodName(),
s.getFileName(), s.getLineNumber());
This question has an answer, that may include a solution for your problem:
Eclipse console: detect warning and error patterns and make them clickable
Here we go: we have to contribute an implementation of org.eclipse.ui.console.IPatternMatchListenerDelegate
through extension point org.eclipse.ui.console.consolePatternMatchListeners
The contributions that provide hyperlinks for exceptions and line numbers in stack traces are defined in the org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui
plugin, the implementing classes are in the same bundle.
The rules are regular expressions and can be found in the plugin.xml
of the contributing plugin.