I have a before_filter hook in my main app\'s application controller that does something like: (It doesn\'t just put a link in the flash, there is a message, but it isn\'t r
I figured out how to do this. The problems lies within the isolated namespace. In order to integrate the engine with the app and share the same layout (which may have path helpers from the main app) I did this:
Firstly I removed config/routes.rb
from the engine
Then I removed the isolate_namespace from the engine class
module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
- isolate_namespace MyEngine
I added a file that was loaded in the engine:
module ActionDispatch::Routing
class Mapper
def mount_my_engine_at(mount_location)
scope mount_location do
#Declare all your routes here
Finally, in the main app's config/routes.rb
instead of 'mount'ing the engine, you can call your method
mount_my_engine_at "mount_location"
This will basically 'mount' your engine as part of the main app instead of being isolated from it. It is similar to how Devise does it too.