I am trying to count the files in all subfolders in a directory and display them in a list.
For instance the following dirtree:
Similar to David's solution this will work in Powershell v3.0 and does not uses aliases in case someone is not familiar with them
Get-ChildItem -Directory | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_.FullName $(Get-ChildItem $_ | Measure-Object).Count}
Answer Supplement
Based on a comment about keeping with your function and loop structure i provide the following. Note: I do not condone this solution as it is ugly and the built in cmdlets handle this very well. However I like to help so here is an update of your script.
Function DirX($directory)
$output = @{}
foreach ($singleDirectory in (Get-ChildItem $directory -Recurse -Directory))
$count = 0
foreach($singleFile in Get-ChildItem $singleDirectory.FullName)
$output | Out-String
For each $singleDirectory
count all files using $count
( which gets reset before the next sub loop ) and output each finding to a hash table. At the end output the hashtable as a string. In your question you looked like you wanted an object output instead of straight text.