The famous Best Practice Recommendations for Angular App Structure blog post outlines the new recommended angularjs project structure which is now component-oriented, not fu
I wrote about this in one of my blog posts
Let’s say were building an account settings page. The admin account can sendNotifications
where the user account can updateNotifications
. Both admin and user accounts can updateAvatar
Components abstracted into separate modules, files, and folders are easier to work with.
A parent that encompasses all of these modules could be called account. We know that account will have two different roles and three different features. If account was "role agnostic", your definition might look something like:
angular.module("account", [
But defining parent modules to these features promotes organization and inheritance:
angular.module("account", [
angular.module("account.common", [
angular.module("account.admin", [
angular.module("account.user", [
Feature modules can follow a similar pattern:
angular.module("account.common.updateAvatar", [
Views and assets:
Compile all of your HTML partials into cached JavaScript:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
html2js: {
partials: {
src: ["src/**/*.tpl.html"],
dest: "build/js/app.tpls.js",
module: "app.tpls"
Concat all of your admin JavaScript independent of your user JavaScript:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
concat: {
admin: {
src: ["src/**/*.admin.*.js"],
dest: "build/js/admin.js"
user: {
src: ["src/**/*.user.*.js"],
dest: "build/js/user.js"