Is there a way to set the height of CKEditor 3.0 to a percentage, such as 100%, such that it takes up the whole window?
I am currently using absolute values, but the
I have been looking for a clean way to get the CKEditor window to be the same height as the textarea it is replacing. I'm using Drupal, and this is how I did it ...
In my theme I load up a javascript file, (using "scripts[] = default.js" in my .info file).
In this file I have:
// Set CKEditor height
if (typeof CKEDITOR!='undefined') {
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( e ) {;
var elHeight = $(e.editor.element.$).height();
e.editor.resize('100%', elHeight, true);
The beauty of this is you can then change the height using css.
I had been changing the settings.height via the wysiwyg module in wysiwyg/editors/js/ckeditor-3.0.js
Drupal.wysiwyg.editor.attach.ckeditor = function(context, params, settings) {
// Apply editor instance settings.
CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '';
// Match the height of the replaced field
settings.height = $('#' + params.field).height();
but this would get overwritten during updates, so went with the top solution.