How do I achieve this kind of color replacement programmatically?
So this i
The formula for calculating the new pixel is:
newColor.R = OldColor;
newColor.G = OldColor;
newColor.B = 255;
Generalizing to arbitrary colors:
I assume you want to map white to white and black to that color. So the formula is newColor = TargetColor + (White - TargetColor) * Input
newColor.R = OldColor + (1 - oldColor / 255.0) * TargetColor.R;
newColor.G = OldColor + (1 - oldColor / 255.0) * TargetColor.G;
newColor.B = OldColor + (1 - oldColor / 255.0) * TargetColor.B;
And then just iterate over the pixels of the image(byte array) and write them to a new RGB array. There are many threads on how to copy an image into a byte array and manipulate it.