I have a question about Haskell polymorphism.
As I\'ve learned, there are two types of polymorphism:
Parametric: where you do not spe
Here, you have a simple example combining
ad-hoc polymorphism (overloading): same function with different behavior for different types (by means of Haskell type classes)
parametric polymorphism: same function with same behavior for different types (by means of a type parameterized function. In principle, type doesn't matter, but we used type classes to restrict acceptable types).
import Data.Char
class MyTypeFamily t where
f1 :: t -> Int
f2 :: t -> Int
instance MyTypeFamily Int where
f1 x = x*x
f2 x = x+x
instance MyTypeFamily Char where
f1 x = (ord x) * (ord x)
f2 x = (ord x) + (ord x)
instance MyTypeFamily Bool where
f1 x
| x = 10
| otherwise = 10
f2 x
| x = 100
| otherwise = -100
-- ...............................................................
-- using f1, f2 as "overloaded" functions ("ad-hoc polymorphism)
-- (the algorithm for f1, f2 is chosen depending on their type)
-- using fun as polymorphic (parametric polymorphic function)
-- the algorithm of fun is always the same but it works on
-- different types
fun :: (MyTypeFamily t) => t -> Int
fun x = (f1 x) + (f2 x)
-- ...............................................................
-- ...............................................................
main = do
print $ fun 'J'
print $ fun True
print $ fun False
print $ fun (8 :: Int)