What is the meaning yellow service “started” status on Homebrew?

前端 未结 6 2000
抹茶落季 2020-12-29 00:46

When I tried brew services list command, dnsmasq, nginx status started but yellow. php71 and mysql is started and green.

Previously when my Mysql statu

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-29 01:23

    Unfortunately the yellow color means status unknown. Wonder why it says started though.

    I just found out because the status for apache 2.2 on OS X 10.11.6 is yellow as well. Don't know if it's actually working properly.

    Here's what the homebrew-services ServicesCli code says

    # For backwards-compatability showing unknown state as started in yellow colour


    EDITS: Update code reference. Thanks @SidOfc
