how is mvc architecture used in php without any framework?
I think generally using one of the common frameworks is probably the way to go. The reason is that many good developers have spent a long time writing, bug-fixing, tweaking and polishing to create something solid for basing your site on. The best thing to do is to find one you like, learn it and stick with it (unless you find a reason not to). When I work with PHP, my choice is generally Zend Framework, but there are also CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP and a bunch of others.
If you still want to use the MVC pattern without an existing framework, you either have the choice of putting your own together or just logically separating each concern out from each other - this is the core tenet of MVC, the frameworks just help you achieve it.
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote about his minimal approach to the MVC pattern in PHP in 2006. Might be worth a read. You may also be interested in a mini-framework such as F3::PHP (PHP 5.3+ only) - looks pretty promising.