I am writing a RESTful application in Java using Jersey, and i need to authenticate users. I know i can specify the roles in the resource using the annotations @RolesAllowed
HttpAuthenticationFeature class provides HttpBasic and Digest client authentication capabilities. The feature work in one of 4 modes;
BASIC: It’s preemptive authentication way i.e. information is send always with each HTTP request. This mode must be combined with usage of SSL/TLS as the password is send only BASE64 encoded.
BASIC NON-PREEMPTIVE: It’s non-preemptive authentication way i.e. auth information is added only when server refuses the request with 401 status code and then the request is repeated with authentication information.
DIGEST: Http digest authentication. Does not require usage of SSL/TLS.
UNIVERSAL: Combination of basic and digest authentication in non-preemptive mode i.e. in case of 401 response, an appropriate authentication is used based on the authentication requested as defined in WWW-Authenticate HTTP header.
To use HttpAuthenticationFeature, build an instance of it and register with client. For example;
1) Basic authentication mode
HttpAuthenticationFeature feature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic("username", "password");
final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
2) Basic authentication : non-prempitive mode
HttpAuthenticationFeature feature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.basicBuilder()
.credentials("username", "password")
final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
3) Universal mode
//Universal builder having different credentials for different schemes
HttpAuthenticationFeature feature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.universalBuilder()
.credentialsForBasic("username1", "password1")
.credentials("username2", "password2").build();
final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();