I have created an EDMX using EF 5 with the Model First approach, i.e. I started with a blank designer and modeled my entities. Now I want to be able to use this model define
I had the same issue, so instead of relying on all the meta data in the connection string (which I think is not a good idea) I wrote a method to create it from a standard connection string. (I should probably refactor it into an Extension method for DbContext, but this should do)
internal static class ContextConnectionStringBuilder
// Modified Version of http://stackoverflow.com/a/2294308/209259
public static string GetEntityConnectionString(string ConnectionString,
Type ContextType)
string result = string.Empty;
string prefix = ContextType.Namespace
.Replace(ContextType.Assembly.GetName().Name, "");
if (prefix.Length > 0
&& prefix.StartsWith("."))
prefix = prefix.Substring(1, prefix.Length - 1);
if (prefix.Length > 1
&& !prefix.EndsWith("."))
prefix += ".";
EntityConnectionStringBuilder csBuilder =
new EntityConnectionStringBuilder();
csBuilder.Provider = "System.Data.SqlClient";
csBuilder.ProviderConnectionString = ConnectionString.ToString();
csBuilder.Metadata = string.Format("res://{0}/{1}.csdl|"
+ "res://{0}/{1}.ssdl|"
+ "res://{0}/{1}.msl"
, ContextType.Assembly.FullName
, prefix + ContextType.Name);
result = csBuilder.ToString();
return result;
Basic usage is something like:
string connString =
string dbConnectionString = ContextConnectionStringBuilder(connString,
var dbContext = new MyDbContext(dbConnectionString);