I have saved my crawled data by nutch in Hbase whose file system is hdfs. Then I copied my data (One table of hbase) from hdfs directly to some local directory by command
If you can use the Hbase command instead to backup hbase tables you can use the Hbase ExportSnapshot Tool which copies the hfiles,logs and snapshot metadata to other filesystem(local/hdfs/s3) using a map reduce job.
Take snapshot of the table
$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> snapshot 'myTable', 'myTableSnapshot-122112'
Export to the required file system
$ ./bin/hbase class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.snapshot.ExportSnapshot -snapshot MySnapshot -copy-to fs://path_to_your_directory
You can export it back from the local file system to hdfs:///srv2:8082/hbase and run the restore command from hbase shell to recover the table from the snapshot.
$ ./bin/hbase shell
hbase> disable 'myTable'
hbase> restore_snapshot 'myTableSnapshot-122112'
Reference:Hbase Snapshots