I do have to send a report regarding pasting some clipboard content into a web rich editor and I need a way to dump/restore the clipboard content to (probably) HTML.
Three years later, in more civilized times, we have Swift. You can write a short Swift script to pull exactly what you need off of OS X's pasteboard.
Put the following Swift 4 snippet into a new text file. I named mine pbpaste.swift
import Cocoa
let type = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.html
if let string = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType:type) {
else {
print("Could not find string data of type '\(type)' on the system pasteboard")
Then, copy some html, and run swift pbpaste.swift
from the directory where you put that file.
Yay, html! Uggh, OS X added a ton of custom markup (and a tag?!) — but hey, at least it's not plain text!
is a special global that evaluates to the string "public.html"
, orIt's kind of slow, because it's being interpreted on the fly, not compiled and executed. Compilation gives me a 10x speed-up:
xcrun -sdk macosx swiftc pbpaste.swift -o pbpaste-html
Then just call ./pbpaste-html
instead of swift pbpaste.swift