I\'d like to implement a progress bar like this
Please help how can I
I saw that a lot of people are looking on this post so I thought that I should edit it and share an example:
Note (this example is not complete, it's still in progress but I guess it's a starting point)
GitHub: Github Example
The important part in this example is below: Create in drawable a xml file custom_progress_bar_horizontal.xml and add the content below.
Add the following code in styles.xml
After you have added the style in your activity layout add:
The progress dispaly below in a frame it's a little tricky because you need to extend the ProgressBar class and make the changes there.
I will leave here some examples and notify when I will add them in my github project.
Great example if you want to disaply the progress in your way: NumberProgressBar
Other progress bar examples:
Custom progress bar 1
Custom progress bar 2
Custom progress bar 3
Also check DiscreteSeekBar this is a great github project.
Gradle: compile 'org.adw.library:discrete-seekbar:1.0.1'