so I have a problem getting keycloak 3.2.1 to work behind kong (0.10.3), a reverse proxy based on nginx.
Scenario is:
I call keycloak via my gateway-route v
I have the same problem with you, now it fixed, This is my method.
First, I setup reverse proxy with cloak at a clean env, confirm that the proxy and cloak was configured rightly.
Next, with test and gusess, I found when setup keycloak use the image you pull from dockerhub whith docker. There is some difference set it up with binary on server, from the standalone.xml, you will find the key point is this 2:
1. You should set PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true for docker env.
2. You should set jboss.https.port 443 for docker env.
If your standalone.xml also configured rightly, you will get it work for admin page. Good lucks ;)