I\'m creating a Asp.Net MVC project using VS2013 and added hottowel (2.0.1) using nuget. However, the breeze doesn\'t work with Entity Framework 6.
How to downgrade
Entity Framework also moves the __MigrationHistory
table from System Tables to user tables. When I tried to run my application after rollback it wouldn't work, so I had to move the __MigrationHistory
back to the system tables with:
EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject __MigrationHistory;
When I did upgrade to EntityFramework 6 I had to add an empty migration (unfortunately I do not remember the reason, but I guess it complained about updating the database or similar). I also had to remove that empty migration. Since this was a completely empty migration I guess this is safe to do, I do not know about migrations that actually change the database. However, they might not complain when running the program.
delete from dbo.__MigrationHistory where MigrationId = 'myEmptyMigration';
Then I deleted the empty migrationfile from my project which resolved my problems.