I am using the Angular-Bootstrap Dropdown. I want to prevent it from closing on click until the user closes it intentionally.
Default state is: The Dropdown closes
This is another hack, but you could add a directive to stop the toggle event from propagating. For example something like this worked for my specific use case:
Adding this directive to an element should disable the auto close behavior:
angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap'])
.controller('DropDownCtrl', ['$scope', '$location',
function($scope, $location) {
// Controller logic here
$scope.goToPage = function(page) {
console.log("Going to " + page + ". Dropdown should close");
.directive('disableAutoClose', function() {
// directive for disabling the default
// close on 'click' behavior
return {
link: function($scope, $element) {
$element.on('click', function($event) {
console.log("Dropdown should not close");
Plunker Example Here