I am handling session expiration in JSF 2.0 using filter . Here is the code
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response
when session expires and if user click on the back button, then he gets the page with all styling out
You need to tell the browser to not cache the pages in browser cache. The browser shoud instead be sending a full request to the server.
Add the following lines right before filterChain.doFilter()
if (!httpServletRequest.getRequestURI().startsWith(httpServletRequest.getContextPath() + ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER)) { // Skip JSF resources (CSS/JS/Images/etc)
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); // HTTP 1.1.
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0.
httpServletResponse.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); // Proxies.
If session time out, and i click on pagination then the session expiration message do not appear. It seems that ajax request don't call filter?
JSF ajax requests expect XML responses with HTTP status 200. If you send a synchronous redirect, then a HTTP status 302 response will be sent which will be completely ignored by JSF ajax engine. You should instead be sending a normal HTTP 200 response with a specific piece of XML which tells the JSF ajax engine to perform a redirect. Do this instead of httpServletResponse.sendRedirect()
if ("partial/ajax".equals(httpServletRequest.getHeader("Faces-Request"))) {
.printf(" ", timeoutPage);
else {
Note that when you're already inside JSF context (e.g. by PhaseListener
or SystemEventListener
or maybe a @ManagedBean
), then you could just use ExternalContext#redirect()
method. It will transparently handle synchronous/asynchronous requests accordingly.