I\'ve got a web-application which is built with Pyramid/SQLAlchemy/Postgresql and allows users to manage some data, and that data is almost completely independent for differ
What works very well for me it to set the search path at the connection pool level, rather than in the session. This example uses Flask and its thread local proxies to pass the schema name so you'll have to change schema = current_schema._get_current_object()
and the try block around it.
from sqlalchemy.interfaces import PoolListener
class SearchPathSetter(PoolListener):
Dynamically sets the search path on connections checked out from a pool.
def __init__(self, search_path_tail='shared, public'):
self.search_path_tail = search_path_tail
def quote_schema(dialect, schema):
return dialect.identifier_preparer.quote_schema(schema, False)
def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy):
schema = current_schema._get_current_object()
except RuntimeError:
search_path = self.search_path_tail
if schema:
search_path = self.quote_schema(con_proxy._pool._dialect, schema) + ', ' + self.search_path_tail
search_path = self.search_path_tail
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SET search_path TO %s;" % search_path)
At engine creation time:
engine = create_engine(dsn, listeners=[SearchPathSetter()])