This problem seems directly related to the infamous 2GB limit and I\'m not sure at this atge if its a 32bit PHP issue. I\'ve seen the comments related to HTTP not being desi
Have solved this issue, so thanks to @BogdanBurim for suggesting the back to basics approach:
I have managed to upload a 3.8 GB file over HTTP with the following settings:
In Apache2 I've set the following:
- apache2.conf I've set Timeout to 900
- httpd.conf I've set LimitRequestBody to 0
- .htaccess in the file upload directory I've set:
- LimitRequestBody to 0
- php_value upload_max_filesize 0
- php_value post_max_size 4939212390
- .htaccess in the php temp directory (in my case its /tmp/) I've set:
- LimitRequestBody to 0
- php_value upload_max_filesize 0
- php_value post_max_size 4939212390
In php.ini I've set the following:
- POST_MAX_SIZE 4939212390
- max_execution_time 120
- max_input_time 60
- memory_limit 128M
The only other important part of this solution was having to remove the MAX_FILE_SIZE, HTML from the upload form:
Having this set continually caused a PHP type 2 error, so php couldn't handle the greater than 32bit integer that is set. Removing it caused PHP type 1 errors until I changed the UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE to 0 everywhere and hey presto it now works!!!!