I can convert a data.table to an xts object just as I do with a data.frame:
> df = data.frame(x = c(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"), v = rnorm(4))
> dt = d
Just to resolve an open question.
As Vincent point in the comment there is no issue about that.
It is included in data.table 1.9.5. Below is the similar content:
as.data.table.xts <- function(x, keep.rownames = TRUE){
stopifnot(requireNamespace("xts") || !missing(x) || xts::is.xts(x))
r = setDT(as.data.frame(x), keep.rownames = keep.rownames)
if(!keep.rownames) return(r[])
as.xts.data.table <- function(x){
stopifnot(requireNamespace("xts") || !missing(x) || is.data.table(x) || any(class(x[[1]] %in% c("POSIXct","Date"))))
colsNumeric = sapply(x, is.numeric)[-1] # exclude first col, xts index
warning(paste("Following columns are not numeric and will be omitted:",paste(names(colsNumeric)[!colsNumeric],collapse=", ")))
r = setDF(x[,.SD,.SDcols=names(colsNumeric)[colsNumeric]])
rownames(r) <- x[[1]]