I\'d like to recursively call a block from within itself. In an obj-c object, we get to use \"self\", is there something like this to refer to a block instance from inside i
The following recursive block code will compile and run using ARC, GC, or manual memory management, without crashing, leaking, or issuing warnings (analyzer or regular):
typedef void (^CountdownBlock)(int currentValue);
- (CountdownBlock) makeRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock;
__block __unsafe_unretained CountdownBlock aBlock_recursive;
aBlock_recursive = aBlock = [^(int currentValue)
if(currentValue >= 0)
NSLog(@"Current value = %d", currentValue);
} copy];
#if !__has_feature(objc_arc)
[aBlock autorelease];
return aBlock;
- (void) callRecursiveBlock
CountdownBlock aBlock = [self makeRecursiveBlock];
// You don't need to dispatch; I'm doing this to demonstrate
// calling from beyond the current autorelease pool.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
Important considerations: