I put the following function in my application.js:
function test() {
alert(\"See Me\")
I tried this without an issue. Here's how I did it.
// application.js
var test=function(){
// in a view, whichever one, i have a content_for :additional_javascripts
<% content_for :additional_javascripts do %>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
// in application layout
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= yeild(:additional_javascripts) %>
Furthermore, if I want to alert this dynamically later on I could append it to the page and call it then, or put it in a click listener or something.
I like the syntax var functionName = function(){...} because it properly scopes the method. Also, because of the way javascripts are compiled through the asset pipeline, adding the ; at the end of every executed line is very important.
This also worked for me as far as loading the script dynamically and calling it from anywhere in the page:
$("#click_me").live("click", function(){
And in the page I had a simple link.