In C, is there a good way to define length first, Pascal-style strings as constants, so they can be placed in ROM? (I\'m working with a small embedded system with a non-GCC
Here's my answer, complete with an append operation that uses alloca() for automatic storage.
struct pstr {
unsigned length;
char *cstr;
#define PSTR(x) ((struct pstr){sizeof x - 1, x})
struct pstr pstr_append (struct pstr out,
const struct pstr a,
const struct pstr b)
memcpy(out.cstr, a.cstr, a.length);
memcpy(out.cstr + a.length, b.cstr, b.length + 1);
out.length = a.length + b.length;
return out;
#define PSTR_APPEND(a,b) \
pstr_append((struct pstr){0, alloca(a.length + b.length + 1)}, a, b)
int main()
struct pstr a = PSTR("Hello, Pascal!");
struct pstr b = PSTR("I didn't C you there.");
struct pstr result = PSTR_APPEND(PSTR_APPEND(a, PSTR(" ")), b);
printf("\"%s\" is %d chars long.\n", result.cstr, result.length);
return 0;
You could accomplish the same thing using c strings and strlen. Because both alloca and strlen prefer short strings I think that would make more sense.