Today in class my teacher wrote on the blackboard this recursive factorial algorithm:
int factorial(int n) {
if (n == 1)
return 1;
Let's start off with the analysis of this algorithm. We can write a recurrence relation for the total amount of work done. As a base case, you do one unit of work when the algorithm is run on an input of size 1, so
T(1) = 1
For an input of size n + 1, your algorithm does one unit of work within the function itself, then makes a call to the same function on an input of size n. Therefore
T(n + 1) = T(n) + 1
If you expand out the terms of the recurrence, you get that
So in general this algorithm will require n units of work to complete (i.e. T(n) = n).
The next thing your teacher said was that
T(n) = n = 2log2 n
This statement is true, because 2log2x = x for any nonzero x, since exponentiation and logarithms are inverse operations of one another.
So the question is: is this polynomial time or exponential time? I'd classify this as pseudopolynomial time. If you treat the input x as a number, then the runtime is indeed a polynomial in x. However, polynomial time is formally defined such that the runtime of the algorithm must be a polynomial with respect to the number of bits used to specify the input to the problem. Here, the number x can be specified in only Θ(log x) bits, so the runtime of 2log x is technically considered exponential time. I wrote about this as length in this earlier answer, and I'd recommend looking at it for a more thorough explanation.
Hope this helps!