I am using Sphinx to document a webservice that will be deployed in different servers. The documentation is full of URL examples for the user to click and they should just w
Ok, here's how I did it. First, apilinks.py
(the Sphinx extension):
from docutils import nodes, utils
def setup(app):
def api_link_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={},
ref = app.config.apilinks_base + text
node = nodes.reference(rawtext, utils.unescape(ref), refuri=ref,
return [node], []
app.add_config_value('apilinks_base', 'http://localhost/', False)
app.add_role('apilink', api_link_role)
Now, in conf.py
, add 'apilinks'
to the extensions list and set an appropriate value for 'apilinks_base'
(otherwise, it will default to 'http://localhost/'
). My file looks like this:
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'apilinks']
# lots of other stuff
apilinks_base = 'http://host:88/base/'