The font used in xterms is extremely compact yet readable. What font is that? The closest I\'ve found that I can use in other other applications is DejaVu Sans Mono or Bit
I have successfully gotten Emacs.App to use the beloved misc-fixed 7x14 font. And it looks GOOD.
1) download ucs-fonts.tar.gz from
2) extract the file 7x14.bdf
3) install FontForge (
4) open 7x14.bdf in fontforge
5) in fontforge do File->Generate Fonts with "No Outline Font" and "Apple bitmap only sfont (dfont)"
6) save as /Library/Fonts/FixedMedium7x14.dfont
7) in your .emacs (setq default-font "-apple-Fixed-medium-normal-normal--14----m-0-iso10646-1")
8) WIN