I have a model class in the following structure:
public class User {
public String name;
public Long id;
public class Play {
public String name;
You can make use of custom DataBinder
In the play.scla.html:
@form (routes.PlayController.update())
in your method in the controller
public static Result update()
// add a formatter which takes you field and convert it to the proper object
// this will be called automatically when you call bindFromRequest()
Formatters.register(User.class, new Formatters.SimpleFormatter(){
public User parse(String input, Locale arg1) throws ParseException {
// here I extract It from the DB
User user = User.find.byId(new Long(input));
return user;
public String print(User user, Locale arg1) {
return user.id.toString();
Form formPlay = form(Play.class).bindFromRequest();
Play playObj = formPlay.get();