Specific advantages of NServiceBus over plain RabbitMQ

后端 未结 2 761
再見小時候 2020-12-24 12:06

Are there any advantages of using NServiceBus over simply using the .net driver for RabbitMQ (assuming we can replace MSMQ with AMQP). Does NSB provide any additional functi

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-24 12:37

    Main advantages include (but are not limited to):

    • Takes care of serialization/deserialization of messages.
    • Provides a neat model for dispatching messages w. handlers, polymorphic dispatch, arranging handlers in a pipeline etc.
    • Handles unit of work.
    • Provides a neat saga implementation.
    • Gives you a host process that can be F5-debugged as well as installed as a Windows service.

    These are things, that you'd need to roll yourself, if you were to use the RabbitMQ .NET client directly - unless, of course, you don't need any of these things.

    Oh, and if you use MSMQ instead of RabbitMQ, you can get all these things in a broker-less model :)
