I\'m making a canvas-based game engine and am wondering if anyone has any good info on how to achieve an overhead view perspective. What I\'m looking for is somewhere halfwa
What you're talking about is something that can be done simply with any 3D api. However since you've decided to try to stick to 2D canvas, you have to do everything in the 2D world which means working with rectangles, rotation, scaling, skewing, etc. Also know as affine transformations as mentioned the other answer.
What you want to do is possible, but since you want to use 2D you have to think in terms of 2D functions.
The Pseudo code would look like this...
imgA = document.getElementById('source');
// grab image slices from bottom to top of image
for (var ix=height-slice_height;ix>=0;ix-=slice_height)
// move a section of the source image to the target canvas
ctx.drawImage(imgA, 0,ix,width,slice_height,
// stretch the whole canvas
ctx.scale(scale_ratio, 1);
This will take lots of tweaking, but that is the general solution.
To look correct you would want to transform the background tiles first before you add the icon overlays.