I cannot understand what the use is of delegating constructors. Simply, what cannot be achieve without having delegating constructors?
It can do something simple li
One key use of delegating constructors that doesn't merely reduce code duplication is to obtain additional template parameter packs, particular a sequence of integer indices, needed to specify a member initializer:
For example:
struct constant_t;
struct Array {
T data[N];
constexpr Array(constant_t, T const &value, std::index_sequence)
: data { (Is,value)... }
constexpr Array(constant_t, T const &value)
: Array(constant_t{}, value, std::make_index_sequence{})
In this way we can define a constructor that initializes the array to a constant value without first default initializing each element. The only other way to achieve this, as far as I know, would require sticking the data member in a base class.
Of course, better language support for template parameter packs might make this unnecessary.