What would be a good way to determine if a string contains an IPv4 address? Should I use isdigit()
Heres the start of a function I've been working on, although not complete, it may spark ideas or comments. The thought behind the function is;
I think it depends on how deep you want to go into the issue, how deep you want to go to understand what problems could occur.
int isIP(char *ip)
char *data_ptr = ip; // Create a pointer to passed data
int orig_str_size = 0; // Create an int to hold passed data size
int str_index = 0; // Create an int to iterate individual ip characters
int dot_count = 0; // Create an int to check for the number of dots
// Count the number of characters in data_ptr
while (*data_ptr++ != '\0'){ orig_str_size++; }
if(orig_str_size <= 0) // If nothing
printf("Get a grip, ip is empty\n\n");
else // If within IPv4 size range
if(orig_str_size >= 7 && orig_str_size <= INET_ADDRSTRLEN)
char *data1_ptr = ip; // Create a pointer to passed data
printf("Within IPv4 range, %i characters in length\n\n", orig_str_size);
// Count the number of dots in the string, 3 for IPv4
for(str_index; str_index < orig_str_size; str_index++)
if(data1_ptr[str_index] == '.'){ dot_count++; }
// If theres 3 dots, while ignoring dots, check each char is a digit
if(dot_count == 3)
printf("There's three dots in the string\n\n");
data1_ptr = ip;
str_index = 0;
// Iterate the string char by char
for(str_index; str_index < orig_str_size; str_index++)
// Ignoring dots
if(data1_ptr[str_index] != '.')
// If isdigit() is happy its a digit and isalpha() happy not alphabetic
if(isdigit(data1_ptr[str_index]) && !isalpha(data1_ptr[str_index]))
printf("Digit found and is not alphabetic\n\n");
if(!isdigit(data1_ptr[str_index]) && isalpha(data1_ptr[str_index]))
printf("Not a recognised IPv4 address, character detected in string\n\n");
return 0;
else // If IPv6
if(orig_str_size > 0 && orig_str_size > INET_ADDRSTRLEN && orig_str_size <= INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)
printf("Within IPv6 range %i\n\n", orig_str_size);
return 0;
printf("Unknown target format, the format you provided as a target is not implemented\n\n");
TCP/IP Internetworking
RFC791 - Internet Protocol - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc791
The CISCO Internetworking handbook http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/Internetworking_Technology_Handbook
The Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/Internetworking_Basics#Open_Systems_Interconnection_Reference_Model
CISCO Troubleshooting TCP/IP Networks https://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/internetworking/troubleshooting/guide/tr1907.pdf
What is the largest TCP/IP network port number allowable for IPv4?