How to change the Monitor brightness on Linux?

前端 未结 9 510
离开以前 2020-12-24 07:38

How do I programmatically change the monitor brightness on Linux?

I\'m using SLES 11.

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-24 08:28

    For me it works perfectly with xbacklight. If you for example wish to set up a key binding, you can use

    bindsym $SUPER+Shift+plus   exec  xbacklight -inc 10
    bindsym $SUPER+Shift+minus  exec  xbacklight -dec 10

    in your window managers config (I use i3) to regulate your screen's brightness level.

    I wouldn't recommend xrandr for this since it doesn't stop at 100% brightness automatically.
