Is it feasible/sensible to wrap an Inno Setup installer inside an MSI for easier distribution via AD?

后端 未结 10 912
梦毁少年i 2020-12-24 06:26

Our installer is written with Inno Setup and we are actually quite happy with it. Yet some customers keep asking for an MSI installer which they could more easily distribute

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-24 07:31

    It makes no sense mixing install technologies.

    If you are mixing you getting the first problem with the uninstall stuff. without changes you get 2 uninstallers of your program.

    there are some articles starting with windows installer in the "entwickler magazine"

    • Entwickler Magazin (Ausgabe: 03.09/15.04.2009) Artikel: MSI-Pakete mit Open-Souce-Software erzeugen Teil 4
    • Entwickler Magazin (Ausgabe: 02.09/12.02.2009) Artikel: MSI-Pakete mit Open-Souce-Software erzeugen Teil 3
    • Entwickler Magazin (Ausgabe: 01.09/10.12.2008) Artikel: MSI-Pakete mit Open-Souce-Software erzeugen Teil 2
    • Entwickler Magazin (Ausgabe: 06.08/15.10.2008) Artikel: MSI-Pakete mit Open-Souce-Software erzeugen

    windows installer should be the only technology for your installations. its future proof and its stable!
