Xcode 6: Build hangs and Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool starts allocating all RAM

前端 未结 13 2083
青春惊慌失措 2020-12-24 05:43

I’m having an issue to which I haven’t been able to find a solution just by searching here or on Google.

I’m building a project which is shared by multiple developer

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-24 06:38

    This happens for me in Xcode 8.2.1 if I bind the wrong thing in a view-based table view (p.s., I'm using Core Data). I was binding the second-deepest-level Table View Cell view’s value to my array controller, when I should have been binding the text field to the Table Cell View, with a path of objectValue.. The column object should be bound to nothing, and the Table View Content should be bound to the array controller via arrangedObjects.

    This, at least, works, and lets Xcode (ibtool) compile the storyboard without consuming all available memory and crashing the system.
