How exactly is sonarQube different from SonarLint ? SonarQube has a server associated with it and Sonar lint works more like a plugin. But what are their specific difference
SonarQube is a server where you can host your projects and execute analysis, whereas SonarLint is an agent that allow us to connect with this SonarQube and execute the analysis remotely. SonarLint can be used with IDE or can also be executed via CLI commands.
SonarLint contains its own set of default rules but when connected to SonarQube, users can import rules from SonarQube which are actually more than just standard set of rules. We can integrate PDM, CodeStyle and many other checker on SonarQube and create custom rules.
Two facts I want to mention that I learnt from my experience, SonarLint will not inherit those custom rules from SonarQube, secondly Sonar does not work on Test classes.