I\'ve got an NSView (myView) wrapped in an NSScrollView (myScrollView). Using zoom-in/out buttons, the user can alter the scale of myView. If the user is currently scrolle
This is an old question, but I hope someone looking for this finds my answer useful...
float zoomFactor = 1.3;
NSRect visible = [scrollView documentVisibleRect];
NSRect newrect = NSInsetRect(visible, NSWidth(visible)*(1 - 1/zoomFactor)/2.0, NSHeight(visible)*(1 - 1/zoomFactor)/2.0);
NSRect frame = [scrollView.documentView frame];
[scrollView.documentView scaleUnitSquareToSize:NSMakeSize(zoomFactor, zoomFactor)];
[scrollView.documentView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.size.width * zoomFactor, frame.size.height * zoomFactor)];
[[scrollView documentView] scrollPoint:newrect.origin];
NSRect visible = [scrollView documentVisibleRect];
NSRect newrect = NSOffsetRect(visible, -NSWidth(visible)*(zoomFactor - 1)/2.0, -NSHeight(visible)*(zoomFactor - 1)/2.0);
NSRect frame = [scrollView.documentView frame];
[scrollView.documentView scaleUnitSquareToSize:NSMakeSize(1/zoomFactor, 1/zoomFactor)];
[scrollView.documentView setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.size.width / zoomFactor, frame.size.height / zoomFactor)];
[[scrollView documentView] scrollPoint:newrect.origin];