I\'m using Express.js (on Node.js) and I know that you can render a view with custom data via the \"locals\" parameter. (res.render(\"template\", { locals: { foo: \"ba
This is a buried response, but I finally got it to work.
1) This is an example around the module connect-flash
2) Add a piece of middleware in server.js/app.js to add req
to locals
. This allows the template to call request.flash()
whenever it needs. Without this, flash()
gets consumed on each request/redirect defeating the purpose.
var app = module.exports = express()
, flash=require('connect-flash');
app.use(express.session({ secret: "shhh" }));
// Start Router
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.locals.request = req;
3) Setup your route as normal (this is coffeescript, but nothing special)
app.get '/home', (req, res) ->
req.flash "info", "this"
res.render "#{__dirname}/views/index"
4) Call request.flash() when you want the messages. They are consumed on each call, so don't console.log them or they'll be gone :-)
title= config.appTitle
include partials/_styles
include partials/_scripts
a(href="/logout") Logout CURRENTUSER
h2= config.appTitle
- var flash = request.flash()
each flashType in ['info','warn','error']
if flash[flashType]
= flash[flashType]
block content
h1 content here