I want to make a hook method which gets called everytime any function of a class gets called. I have tried method_added, but it executes only once at the time of class defin
I recently wrote something that might be useful, though there are some provisos (see below). Here's the class you want to add your hook to:
class Original
def regular_old_method msg
puts msg
def always_called method_called
puts "'#{method_called.to_s.capitalize}' method's been called!"
And here's the code for adding that hook:
class << Original
def new(*args)
inner = self.allocate
outer_name = self.name + 'Wrapper'
outer_class = Class.new do
def initialize inner_object
@inner = inner_object
def method_missing method_called, *args
@inner.send method_called, *args
@inner.send :always_called, method_called
outer_class_constant = Object.const_set(outer_name, outer_class)
inner.send :initialize, *args
outer_class_constant.new inner
If you call it like this...
o = Original.new
o.regular_old_method "nothing unusual about this bit"
You get the following output:
nothing unusual about this bit
'Regular_old_method' method's been called!
This approach would be a bad idea if your code checked class names, because even though you've asked for an object of class 'Original', what you got back was an object of class 'OriginalWrapper'.
Plus I imagine there could be other drawbacks to messing with the 'new' method, but my knowledge of Ruby metaprogramming doesn't stretch that far yet.