I have been presented with a new homework assignment that has been somewhat frustrating to say the least. Basically, I have a create a 2D array of integers as follows:
java complete solution It returns pathes to console, and returns longest sequence, but you can little modify this code, and you'll get longest path also
public class HedgehogProblemSolver {
private int rowCount;
private int columnCount;
private int[][] fieldArray;
private int maxApplesCount = 0;
public HedgehogProblemSolver(int inputArray[][]) {
this.fieldArray = inputArray;
rowCount = inputArray.length;
columnCount = inputArray[0].length;
public int solveProblem() {
findPathRecursive(0, 0, "", 0);
System.out.println("Max apple count: " + maxApplesCount);
return maxApplesCount;
private void findPathRecursive(int row, int column, String path, int applesCount) {
if (row == rowCount - 1) {
//last row
for (int i = column; i < columnCount; i++) {
//just go right until last column
path += "-[" + fieldArray[row][i] + "](" + row + ", " + i + ")";
applesCount += fieldArray[row][i];
pathResult(path, applesCount);
if (column == columnCount - 1) {
//last column
for (int i = row; i <= rowCount - 1; i++) {
//just go down until last row
path += "-[" + fieldArray[i][column] + "](" + i + ", " + column + ")";
applesCount += fieldArray[i][column];
pathResult(path, applesCount);
path = path + "-[" + fieldArray[row][column] + "](" + row + ", " + column + ")";
applesCount += fieldArray[row][column];
//go down
findPathRecursive(row + 1, column, path, applesCount);
//go right
findPathRecursive(row, column + 1, path, applesCount);
private void pathResult(String path, int applesCount) {
System.out.println("Path: " + path + "; apples: " + applesCount);
if (applesCount > maxApplesCount) {
maxApplesCount = applesCount;