Is it acceptable to write a “Given When Then When Then” test in Gherkin?

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-23 21:26

Is it acceptable to write a \"Given When Then When Then\" test in Gherkin? A real-life example is as follows all

Scenario: Successfully regist         

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-23 22:21

    Yes, more than one When/Then cycle is appropriate in a Gherkin scenario when the real-world scenario calls for it.

    SaxonMatt's answer makes the excellent point that scenarios are best written in stakeholder language rather than in the language of UI manipulation, and that doing so often reduces the length of a scenario, but that misses the exact point of the question. Let's take the bull by the horns.

    Gherkin was designed for acceptance tests: tests which test that stakeholder-level requirements have been completely implemented, i.e. that the software actually provides value to stakeholders. Sometimes providing value takes more than one action-response cycle. Consider the following scenario:

    Scenario: Guest buys a product
      # This scenario starts with the user not logged in, which doesn't require a step
      Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
      When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I add the product to my shopping cart
      Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart
      When I request to check out
      Then I should see the account creation form
      When I create an account
      Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
      When I check out
      Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

    (Note that when I have more than one When/Then cycle in a scenario I like to separate them with blank lines so they stand out.)

    There are several reasons why this scenario is best written with multiple When/Then cycles:

    • Before the user checks out, they should see one product in their shopping cart (only as a digit in the site header, so the step doesn't mention the product name). There is no way to test this requirement at the end of the scenario. (Well, the test could collect the information immediately after the user adds the product to their cart and assert the expected count at the end of the scenario, but that would be pointlessly sneaky and confusing.) Instead, assert the correct count at the natural place in the scenario, as soon as it is visible to the user.

      Similarly, Then I should see the account creation form and Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer" can test important requirements at the points in the scenario at which it is natural to test them.

    • Suppose we didn't care about what the user sees during the process, only whether they get to the end of the scenario with their product on the way. We might then omit the intermediate Then steps:

      Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
      When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I add the product to my shopping cart
      And I request to check out
      And I create an account
      And I check out
      Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
      And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

      And I create an account comes as a surprise, doesn't it? It requires the reader to infer that a guest user is asked to create an account during checkout. It's clearer to say so explicitly, as in the first version of the scenario that I gave.

    • Suppose none of the above concerns convinced us and we wrote a separate Gherkin scenario for each point in the overall scenario where we needed to assert that requirements have been met:

      Scenario: Guest adds a product to their shopping cart
        Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
        When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
        And I add the product to my shopping cart
        Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart
      Scenario: Guest with a product in their shopping cart attempts to check out
        Given I have a product in my shopping cart
        When I request to check out
        Then I should see the account creation form
      Scenario: Guest creates an account
        Given I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
        And I am on the account creation form
        When I create an account
        Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
      Scenario: Newly registered user checks out
        Given I am a user
        And I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
        And I am on the checkout form
        When I check out
        Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
        And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"

      That's awful! First, none of the scenarios is what a stakeholder would think of as a scenario. Second, when one of the intermediate states changes, two steps will have to change: the step which asserts the intermediate state and the Given step which sets up the intermediate state for the next scenario. Each of those Given steps is an opportunity to set up the wrong state, i.e. make an integration error. This set of scenarios has much less value as an integration test suite than did the single scenario. You might almost have written a series of unit tests.

    It's true that writing every scenario end-to-end is likely to lead to some duplication. Just as you tolerate duplication more in unit tests than you would in regular code, tolerate duplication even more in Gherkin scenarios than you would in unit tests. Don't compromise on understandability. Break up scenarios and use Givens only at crucial points (such as creation of a product in the example above), and do so knowing that you're diluting your scenarios' integration-testing power.

    Also, keep in mind that acceptance tests should be only part of your automated test suite. Write only enough acceptance tests to cover critical scenarios, and cover the details with unit tests. Often enough, the solution to duplication among acceptance tests is to replace one with a unit test.
