I\'m trying to update Anaconda and its packages using conda update --name root conda
, but it fails every time.
Error message : Environme
If you get this error under Linux when running conda using sudo, you might be suffering from bug #7267:
When logging in as non-root user via sudo, e.g. by:
sudo -u myuser -i
conda seems to assume that it is run as root and raises an error.
The only known workaround seems to be: Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
...or unset the ENV variables by running the line in a different way before running conda.
If you mistakenly installed anaconda/miniconda as root/via sudo this can also lead to the same error, then you might want to do the following:
sudo chown -R username /path/to/anaconda3
Tested with conda 4.6.14.