NPM + Zurb Foundation + WebPack: Cannot resolve module 'foundation'

前端 未结 10 1982
挽巷 2020-12-23 17:59

I am working on using Zurb Foundation with WebPack and NPM, without Bower.

The problem I am encountering is the same as this below:


  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-23 18:30

    This is the common place to land from web search with beginner questions related to the technologies mentioned in the question.

    Here is my Zurb Foundation with SCSS and Webpack Example Project.

    Feel free to clone it. It is licensed with the Unlicense.


    Although, the module compatibility issues are resolved with recent (> 6.4) versions of the Zurb Foundation, a basic setup may still seem like black magic for a beginner. I think there must be other and probably better examples like mine somewhere, but I just couldn't find them. I'm adding the fruits of my learning journey here in the hopes that it will make somebody's ride a bit less bumpy.
