I need to distribute some sort of static configuration through my application. What is the best practice to do that?
I see three options:
You could use a process (a gen_server maybe?) to store your configuration parameters in its state. It should expose a get/set interface. If a value hasn't been explicitly set, it should retrieve a default value.
-export([get/1, set/2]).
get(Param) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {get, Param}).
handle_call({get, Param}, _From, State) ->
case lookup(Param, State#state.params) of
undefined ->
Value ->
{ok, Value}
You could then easily mockup this module in your tests. It will also be easy to update the process with some new configuration at run-time.
You could use pattern matching and tuples to associate different configuration parameters to different modules:
set({ModuleName, ParamName}, Value) ->
get({ModuleName, ParamName}) ->
Put the process under a supervision tree, so it's started before all the other processes which are going to need the configuration.
Oh, I'm glad nobody suggested parametrized modules so far :)