I am currently doing some Project Euler challenges in C using the JetBrains CLion IDE. When I completed these in Python and Java (in PyCharm and IntelliJ, respectively), I w
You can add these lines to your CMakeLists.txt .
#GLOB_RECURSE will find files in all subdirectories that match the globbing expressions and store it into the variable.
foreach (testsourcefile ${APP_SOURCES})
#get filename without extension
get_filename_component(testname ${testsourcefile} NAME_WE)
#add executable for all file
add_executable(${testname} ${testsourcefile})
endforeach (testsourcefile ${APP_SOURCES})
You will have to reload cmake project (Tools -> Cmake) every time you add or delete files from your project. Also build time will increase if you add more number of files. Alternative you can create more directories and subdirectories and use file(GLOB_RECURSE APP_SOURCES path/to/*.c)
so it will build only those files.