I have a horde of buffers open in vim, with only a few of them open in split windows or on other tabs. Is there a way to close all but the ones that are currently visible i
Yet another take on this. Using the example given in the Vim help for tabpagebuflist()
to get a list of the buffers that appear in a tab or window. I have the below in my .vimrc
function! DeleteInactiveBufs()
"From tabpagebuflist() help, get a list of all buffers in all tabs
let tablist = []
for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
call extend(tablist, tabpagebuflist(i + 1))
"Below originally inspired by Hara Krishna Dara and Keith Roberts
let nWipeouts = 0
for i in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if bufexists(i) && !getbufvar(i,"&mod") && index(tablist, i) == -1
"bufno exists AND isn't modified AND isn't in the list of buffers open in windows and tabs
silent exec 'bwipeout' i
let nWipeouts = nWipeouts + 1
echomsg nWipeouts . ' buffer(s) wiped out'
command! Bdi :call DeleteInactiveBufs()