The collections.Count.most_common
function in Python uses the heapq
module to return the count of the most common word in a file, for instance.
Here's another variation based on Sedgewick
The heap is represented internally in an array where if a node is at k, it's children are at 2*k and 2*k + 1. The first element of the array is not used, to make the math more convenient.
To add a new element to the heap, you append it to the end of the array and then call swim repeatedly until the new element finds its place in the heap.
To delete the root, you swap it with the last element in the array, delete it and then call sink until the swapped element finds its place.
while k > 1 and less(k/2, k):
exch(k, k/2)
k = k/2
while 2*k <= N:
j = 2*k
if j < N and less(j, j+1):
if not less(k, j):
exch(k, j)
k = j
Here's a visualization of heap insert, inserting the first 15 letters of the alphabet: [a-o]