I am working with the Silverlight RIA Services and I want to create custom authentication. This appears to be the only thing that has virtually no documentation (I\'ve read
If you create a "Silverlight Business Application" you'll see how the template implements authentication. (Or just go here and download the template sample project.)
To simplify, here's the process I used:
First, I create a domain service (FooService) that derives from LinqToEntitiesDomainService where FooContext is my entity model. In it I add all the CRUD operations to access my custom DB table and return user profiles.
Next, create a concrete User class on the serverside by deriving from UserBase:
using System.Web.Ria;
using System.Web.Ria.ApplicationServices;
public class User : UserBase
Finally, derive a class from AuthenticationBase and implement the following four methods:
public class AuthenticationService : AuthenticationBase
private FooService _service = new FooService();
protected override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
// Code here that tests only if the password is valid for the given
// username using your custom DB calls via the domain service you
// implemented above
protected override User GetAuthenticatedUser(IPrincipal pricipal)
// principal.Identity.Name will be the username for the user
// you're trying to authenticate. Here's one way to implement
// this:
User user = null;
if (this._service.DoesUserExist(principal.Identity.Name)) // DoesUserExist() is a call
// added in my domain service
// UserProfile is an entity in my DB
UserProfile profile = this._service.GetUserProfile(principal.Identity.Name);
user.Name = profile.UserName;
user.AuthenticationType = principal.Identity.AuthenticationType;
return user;
public override void Initialize(DomainServiceContext context)
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)